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Blagger's Blog- Death, extinction, immortality, and why nobody is that different


Weekly high


What’s the best thing we’ve seen all week? How about the most eligible bachelor on Tinder? The dating app has launched a campaign to raise awareness and financial support in the mission to save the northern white rhino, with the last living male of the species opening his own account on the network, defying age stereotypes in the process.

Weekly low (or another high)

We can’t help but do the Blagger’s a bit differently today. The low comes in the form of ongoing fallout from Pepsi’s woefully misjudged Kendall Jenner ad, which suggested the brand’s drinks could end problems like racial prejudice and inequality. However, one of the responses that proves how bad that work is for the giant’s reputation comes from Heineken, which has produced the video above- a triumph, which only exists because of a catastrophic #PRFail.

Need to know

Following a similar step by YouTube, Facebook has developed a tool that will allow video creators to get some cash back when their work is pirated by others.

Doritos has launched limited edition bags that come with a built in cassette player which, when headphones are plugged in, will play listeners songs from the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Just in case you missed us

April’s Smoking Gun PR newsletter- John Watson’s Case Notes- dropped this week and is now online to read. MD Rick Guttridge explains why brand punks and pirates will eventually conform, we look at Fintech and why marketers should take notice of the rapidly growing sector, analyse startling new figures regarding the print vs online debate, reveal the secrets to our B2B PR success with Robertson Cooper, and deliver all the latest news from the Smoking Gun PR office. Oh, and we also penned some thoughts on Facebook’s Augmented Reality push.

The Blagger’s Blog is Smoking Gun PR’s weekly roundup of media news, sans effort

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