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Blagger's Blog— Competitive water drinking, real women image archive

Jon Harchick, the godfather of a (very) niche YouTube community of competitive water drinkers, the subject of a recent Vice article, who upload clips of themselves drinking water every day.


Weekly High

We have blogged countless times about stereotypes in the media and advertising sectors, and the way in which certain groups are represented— not least women. With that in mind it pleases us immensely that Dove, Getty Images (perhaps the biggest owner of photos in the world and multi-media creative agency Girlgaze have created a 5,000 strong stock imagery library designed to shatter stereotypes and represent ‘real women’.

Weekly Low 

With stories circulating that both Boeing 737 Max airliners that crashed lacked an additional ‘optional’ safety feature (which cost airlines more to be installed) circulating, the aeronautics giant is in hot water. With that in mind issuing this apology by way of a full-page advert has, unsurprisingly, been received poorly by the public.

Need to know 

Facebook has announced it will now catalogue all advertisements for seven years in its Ad Library, including information on campaign spend, who saw the commercial and impressions.

13 MEPs have requested their votes be recorded in the opposite to that which they were in the vote to pass controversial new copyright laws for the European Union.

The use of #ad on Instagram grew by 48% in 2018, showing that stricter rules for bloggers and influencers may be working.


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Blagger’s Blog— Smoking Gun’s weekly roundup of media news, sans effort. 

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