A weekly roundup of media news, sans effort
Quote of the week
“Welsh builder says he can do Buckingham Palace for £200 cash.”
Satirical news website WalesOnCraic.com, lampooning the huge refurbishment of the London landmark, and scoring what might be the week’s best headline.
Weekly high
This week stories were flying around the internet about how the founder of Corona beer had left everyone in his Spanish home village £2million each. Sadly, this isn’t really true, but he has left a ‘significant amount’ to the town itself, and previously paid for cultural institutions, churches, and more. How’s that for philanthropic corporate social responsibility?
Weekly low
Who signed off Hammond’s #AutumnStatement PR pics?
“How about sipping tea & smiling like a proper toff whose really pleased with himself?” pic.twitter.com/JmBFg8p05j— Shaun Lintern (@ShaunLintern) November 23, 2016
The Autumn Statement was released this week, outlying the immediate future of the public purse and other such economic resources. It’s not the most upbeat document, with more cuts and misery to come for some, so naturally Twitter was quick to react to the Chancellor’s chosen press shots.
Stories to keep an eye on
Facebook is adding a ‘donate’ button to Live videos.
Just in case you missed us
This week we have been considering whether organic reach still counts for much on social channels, and unveiled our Black Friday Ad Special, ranking all the UK christmas ads and collating some of the best spoofs.