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Blagger's Blog- Blank cheques, sounds of war, everything on Fyre


Weekly High

Although this advert isn’t new, it’s new to us (originally unveiled back in April). The David Lynch Foundation offers a startling portrait of life after war for veterans, told through battlefield sounds. Or not, as the case may be. Powerful, impressive.

Weekly Low

This week’s lowpoint has wider connotations for our industry than first impressions may suggestion. As we blogged about yesterday, Fyre Festival in the Bahamas went from bad to wrong to unmitigated disaster, but the real story for us is how the event used influencer marketing in the worst possible way- handing out ‘benefits’ to hype-makers when the product itself was evidently doomed to fail. Hence the lawsuit filed this week.

Need to know

Twitter has massively expanded its live broadcasting offering with new deals alongside Bloomberg, BuzzFeed, and Women’s NBA.

Just in case you missed us

This week we have been mainly blogging about the Fyre Festival debacle within the context of influencer marketing.
The Blagger’s Blog is Smoking Gun PR’s weekly roundup of media news, sans effort

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