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The Blagger's Blog 7th March 2014

 A weekly roundup of media news and talking points, sans effort


Thought for the Week

“”I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin. I’m proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth, and that is why, after this newscast, I’m resigning.” Russia Today newscaster Liz Wahl, who resigned from her job live on air in protest over an apparent lack of accurate reportage on the network amid Russian intervention within the unfolding situation in Ukraine .

Weekly High

Whilst the tone and content of Vice magazine remains divisive, its documentary making on is often riveting and always high quality. As such we were delighted to hear the media empire has now launched Vice News, aimed at providing an outlet for serious journalism, ‘changing the media guard’, and establishing a dedicated domain for those captivating video reports. Take a look at this example from Crimea in Ukraine.


Weekly Low

Paddy Power isn’t known for pulling punches when it comes to PR stunts. Even so, when the bookie began taking bets on the final verdict for paralympic star Oscar Pistorius, who is currently on trial for the murder of his model girlfriend, the gambling giant may have overstepped the mark. Cue much outrage from campaign groups such as End Violence Against Women and a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, not least given the tag line ‘money back if he walks’.

Stories to keep an eye on

*Pro-choice campaigners in Spain may have their work cut out as the country could become the most difficult place in Europe to have an abortion.
*Relations between Beijing and Hong Kong have been strained due to the Occupy Central movement, which aims to take over the latter’s financial district in a bid to emphasise the need for real democracy and free speech. Votes for all are to be introduced in the city from 2017, but according to The Guardian, China is keen to have a say in who the electoral candidates will be when the time comes, worrying many residents. 

*According to new proposals, BBC Three may be axed as a digital channel and ‘reinvented as a new and innovative online service’ available via the iPlayer. The plans need approval from the BBC Trust before coming into effect in 2015. 

Just in case you missed it…

Pope Francis, head of the Catholic church, has made it onto the cover of this month’s Rolling Stone, one of the few remaining music and pop (or rather rock) culture monthly magazines that continues to increase its circulation year on year. Take a look at the publication’s own take on things here.
If there is a success story, blunder, or news event you’d like to see included email or tweet using #blaggersblog. Happy Friday!

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