A weekly roundup of media news and talking points, sans effort
Thought for the Week
“Dear the internet, I’ve got an announcement to make. I’m having a reboot, a digital do-over. I’ve been on Twitter since January 2009, and I’m tired of the digital diarrhoea that has spewed forth from my fingers in the 140 format. Over the last five years, I’ve tweeted over 54,000 times – an average of 27.47 times per day. From last night I’ve decided to erase my timeline and start over.” Pop star Professor Green announcing via an opinion piece in The Independent that he’s had enough of spouting nonsense on Twitter.
Weekly High
As today is American Independence Day we were rather amused to find this Newcastle Brown Ale advert which poses the question ‘What if Britain won?’ More so, we’re pretty sure you’ll find it rather funny too, irrespective of whether you like Stephen Merchant or not.
Weekly Low
If you run one of the most successful pizza chains in the world then chances are the worst thing you could do to your reputation is be exposed for buying cheap potato wedges from Britain’s leading grocery discounter. Which is exactly what has been happening at Domino’s, apparently, where customers have been paying £3.49 for a portion of Aldi’s finest, which retail at just 59p.
Stories to keep an eye on
YouTube has backed down on plans to remove videos by music artists signed to labels that have not joined in with the network’s new licensing terms and conditions.
Entrepreneur Barbie has now joined LinkedIn- the plastic doll apparently already has 2,500 followers, adding yet more evidence to suggest that the social world is becoming increasingly bizarre.
Two of the world’s most successful media brands, Vice and Huffington Post, are joining forces with a new programming deal.
Just in case you missed it…