A weekly roundup of media news and talking points, sans effort
Thought for the Week
“There is an issue with a lot of actors coming from privileged backgrounds. If someone says to them: ‘Can you do a play for free?’ they’ll say, ‘Yeah, of course, because mummy and daddy will sort me out.” Inbetweeners star Blake Harrison (AKA Neil), commenting on well-to-do British thespians dominating the American market, echoing similar concerns that have been voiced about all creative industries in the modern world of unpaid internships.
Weekly High
Mirroring the actions we would love to do if we A)- owned a bar, and B)- could afford to waste stock, the latest addition to the Southern Comfort ‘Whatever’s Comfortable’ ad campaign could be the best yet (not that we didn’t love the portly man on a beach clip).
Weekly Low
A fail for Tesco but an outright success for the Living Wage campaign group, we can only imagine the shock on customers’ faces as they went to buy their favourite Finest products, only to find the prices had been replaced with statements regarding how much staff are(n’t) paid. Not good news for a company that’s already beginning to lose profits and its reputation.
Stories to keep an eye on
Just in case you missed it…