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The Blagger's Blog 14th November 2014

A weekly roundup of media news and talking points, sans effort


Thought for the Week 

We could raise the rating if Twitter broadens its revenue sources through international expansion and new product launches, maintains its market position, continues to improve its profitability, and achieves positive and sustained discretionary cash flow in excess of $100 million in 2016.” A Standard & Poor’s report on Twitter, with the social network’s debt rated as ‘junk’, and the company classified as three notches below the investment grade.

Weekly High

We’ve landed on the moon. Well, not exactly, but still, boffins at the European Space Agency have achieved something remarkable this week as the robot probe Philae touched down on a moving comet to run tests and ascertain exactly what the orbiting object is made out of- one giant leap for our understanding of space and great PR for why we should be investing in exploration of the vast expanse in the sky.

Weekly Low

Some mistakes are understandable, others unforgivable. Then some, like our example here, are so jaw-droppingly unbelievable you feel lost for words. Swiss supermarket chain Migros decided to print vintage images on packs of coffee creamer, including pictures of trains, landscapes, dogs and, er, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Customers were quick to spot the fascist dictators, and immediately informed the press, leading to widespread furore.

Stories to keep an eye on

Time Out is currently expanding exponentially in UK regions. Last month stand-alone Manchester and Edinburgh sites launched, with Leeds and Glasgow going live this month and Bristol and Birmingham coming early 2015.
Google could face fines of €1,000 per day after a French court ordered all links to a defamatory article must be removed from the entire global network, a decision legitimised by the Right To Be Forgotten ruling.
Latterly, a new online magazine focused on narrative human interest journalism, will launch its first edition on Tuesday 18th November, and comes completely ad-free with finance from a Kickstarter campaign and user-subscriptions.

Just in case you missed it

This week our blog has been very much list-focused, with helpful hints and advice on making the most of your public relations power- including 7 tips to boost your PR, fast, and 5 ways to avoid social media automation damaging your brand.

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