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Big ideas, small budgets: why creativity doesn't cost the Earth

A company’s marketing power is only measurable by the innovation inherent in the team responsible. Times are tough for all businesses right now, so it pays to understand you don’t have to receive a huge bill for making equally sized waves.

We’re never ones to blow our own trumpet too loudly, or without due cause. Yet it would be a gross oversight not to begin by referencing our own ongoing work in this context. Last year saw us take home national awards for providing cutting edge, not to mention memorable PR services to Panda, the all-natural healthy snack brand, delivered with real value for money- exemplary of the case in point.
Bringing things back up to date most recently we launched the Panda Balboa video across platforms like YouTube, racking up 26,000+ views on said site alone, in just over a week. As with anything aimed at going viral when looking for the true reach of such a clip one needs to take into account the fact this will then be shared with friends on other networks, who in turn will share with friends of friends and so on, for as long as such web services exist.
So what’s it all about? Well, our friends at Panda are celebrating their 30th birthday so we were tasked with amplifying that in a fun and memorable manner. Then we discovered the Rocky classic Eye Of The Tiger was also 30, which inspired us…

This is evidence enough, but perhaps it’s also relevant to reference the international column inches grabbed by another of our Panda stunts, which saw a liquorice mural of Prince William laid out on a busy Manchester thoroughfare. The idea was good enough to be selected for ITV News and BBC Breakfast, now filmed in neighbouring Salford, and again shows a cost-effective way of making a mountain of coverage from a relatively mole-hill sized investment.

The point is that whatever your business it’s important to remember in 2012 time, effort and innovation are really all it takes to achieve the kind of exposure once only possible through huge expenditure. Food PR, for example, no longer needs to be intrinsically linked with celebrity chef endorsement and associated imagery, and this rule applies across marketplaces and business models. Stepping into the new financial year provides a good opportunity to re-appraise old practices, so why not take time out to find the right professionals or come up with a great idea internally, and give your small undertakings a truly global presence.

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    Why stop at global stardom and incredible sales? When our clients work with us, they get the silverware to boot. We’re not into tooting our own horns, but the awards we’ve won with our clients are too good to miss…