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Is this the best movie promotion ever….

At Smoking Gun PR we are big fans of story telling…after all it’s what we do for a living and we particularly like the way you can tell a story via different mediums from books, to music and finishing at movies. As such we always keep our eyes peeled for the latest releases which are normally promoted using the tried and tested methods of teaser trailer, trailer and the reviews / interviews with the stars, however the latest family friendly film to hit the big screen took a completely different approach.
The Lego Movie decided to do something a little different and took over an entire ad break in Sunday night’s Dancing On Ice and remade a host of classic adverts out of the favourite children’s toy.

Personally I think this is a genius move, not only did it create a social media buzz online but it was previewed in a variety of national newspapers ahead of the event and has certainly made more of an impact than a simple trailer!

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