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More award winning PR campaigns in the offing at the Golden Hedgehogs

More fantastic news has today been shot across the agency bows in our quest to irrefutably prove our PR prowess, in the form of multiple award nominations.
The self-styled “world’s spikiest communications awards”, the Golden Hedgehogs, in association with PR Moment and the PRCA, has announced its list of contenders for the 2014 gongs.

Smoking Gun PR has been selected to compete for no less than five awards, including defending our current Small Agency and Consumer Campaign titles, as well as the Best Use of Research, Media Relations and Social Media categories.
In an explosive start to life in the ultra competitive Manchester PR scene, Smoking Gun has already notched up an impressive 14 awards in its four years of trading. Agency managing director Rick Guttridge says:
“Awards are the icing on the cake for a job well done by our team. Ensuring client’s business objectives are properly supported via marketing communications is always our priority but after sweating blood and the occasional tear in the pursuit of results, we know how to let our hair down when success does come our way.
“These latest award shortlists are another sign that the agency continues to grow in the right direction, particularly as the clients concerned have all been recent wins, delivering further proof of the success of our approach to modern PR.”
Check out the full list of nominees here and good luck to all concerned. Roll on a fun filled awards night in March!

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    Our Awards

    Why stop at global stardom and incredible sales? When our clients work with us, they get the silverware to boot. We’re not into tooting our own horns, but the awards we’ve won with our clients are too good to miss…