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August 2012 in the Smoking Gun study

It’s been business as usual at headquarters this month. So that’s further expansion by way of an increased workplace and brand new senior member of staff, whilst our peers ranked us amongst the region’s finest PR practitioners. A lovely follow up to last month’s news of  our record nine CIPR PRide Awards shortlist.
First and foremost we’ll be welcoming a fresh face to Smoking Gun’s base camp from October, with Louise Woodward making the trans-Pennine journey to join our burgeoning team. Taking up a role as Account Director she’ll bring with her a wealth of experience working on consumer and B2B projects at leading agencies, in both Sheffield and Leeds, making a great addition to our burgeoning skill set.
What’s more, to accommodate her arrival, and in preparation for continued growth, we’re taking over the office next door. This of course means next time you call by we’ll have more conference and break out space than ever before, though we’re delighted to still be offering the same Greenhalgh’s cakes, Panda Liquorice, and well-brewed tea.
Away from internal changes it’s our great pleasure to announce we recently ranked third in a North West Business Insider poll of the Hottest PR Agencies in the region. As voted for by other professionals in the industry, that our position places us above many more established firms is certainly a source of some pride as we begin gathering ideas for new campaigns.
This reputation for quality work continues further afield too, with Big Gun Rick Guttridge recently contributing a guest column to the MEN Business Week’s media section. If you missed that then he will also be sharing some knowledge of all things digital PR related at the Digiterati forum in October; for information on attending the conference click here.
All of which just about sums August up, except to say that Team SGPR members are now training hard in preparation for the forthcoming Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest event. As the video below proves, it’s going to be quite the competition when it finally arrives, so follow this link to discover how you can challenge a Corrie star to a battle of speed, stamina and agility.
On top of that we also managed to show our faces at the opening of Manchester’s festival of new cinema and media, Abandon Normal Devices, along with the city’s monthly Social Media Cafe. So with sights now set on September, a month that will see 2013’s campaign budgets finalised and all manner of new projects launched, we’d best get back to work. See you in a few weeks then.

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