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Burgundy-mania rivals Beatle-mania ahead of Anchorman 2

It’s been almost a decade since Will Ferrell donned the now famous facial hair to become Ron Burgundy. Now with the sequel (Anchorman 2) set to hit box offices this week, I thought it was the perfect time to look at how the marketing machine behind this sequel is taking no prisoners…
Now tying in with a film can do wonders for a brand and it appears Anchorman 2 has happily accepted tie ups with Ben & Jerry’s which picked on the lead character’s love of scotch and created the special scotchy scotch scotch flavour. While Great Odin’s Raven has made a new Ron Burgundy whisky.

Anchorman ice cream: Ben & Jerry's Scotchy Scotch Scotch

Product placement and interviews with the stars go a long way and the team behind the Channel 6 favourites have ensured their stars are everywhere, from Saturday Night Live with One Direction…


Through to daily releases from IGN, where Ron discusses the latest video games…

Mr Burgandy has even turned his hand to radio and is currently appearing in the latest FHM adverts discussing how he is the cover star – the first ever man to be given this honour 20 years. And read the news as a real anchor…

And this blog only scratches the just surface there have also been advertising tie ups with the American car brand Dodge and much more. However with all this media coverage, do you think you’re going to get Burgandy-burnout, or can you not wait to get in the queue?

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