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7 iPhone facts and stats you probably didn’t know

In many ways it seems like only yesterday that the late, great Steve Jobs unveiled arguably his finest- or at least slickest- invention. As such it’s a little surprising to think that was actually more than half a decade ago.
This month saw the iPhone turned seven years young in the UK, which is rather fitting as the most recent models- the 5C and 5S- are the seventh generation. In keeping with this number-based theme we decided to put together the following list of seven facts and stats regarding the world’s number one smartphone, so take a look to find out exactly how much you didn’t already know…
*More iPhones have been sold than babies are born in the world every day.
*The iPhone 5s- currently the fastest and most advanced model ever- is 20% lighter than the original device was, but 40X more powerful.
*Perhaps confusingly, the first iPhone launched on the market was actually called the 2G, despite the fact nobody ever referred to pre-3G networks as 2G. It arrived in US stores on 29th June 2007.
*When the first iPhone was launched it took 74 days to pass 1million unit sales. The 3G took three days, the 4s had more than 1million pre-orders in its initial 24 hours online, and the 5s and 5c shifted 9million in just three days.
*A staggering 53% of Apple Computing’s entire revenue stream is now derived from the iPhone. The device now generates more cash flow than Disney, Coca Cola, and Microsoft do as entire companies. Apple is the most valuable brand in the world.
*The core computer chip that powers pretty much everything in your iPhone is actually manufactured by Apple’s biggest smartphone rival, Samsung, raising questions as to how the former had the nerve to sue the latter over breach of patent.
*The real value of an iPhone, in terms of parts, is around $200, with the most expensive kit being the retina display- worth an underwhelming $28.50. Marketing, distribution, pre-build design and contracts with the alleged unethical Chinese factories Apple uses to put all the bits together account for the overall retail price.
So what’s your thoughts on the iPhone, on a slippery downwards trajectory or set to stay at the top of the mart phone game for the foreseeable?

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