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Content Creation Agency

PR & Reputation Management Company

PR Stunt: Interflora ‘Pollen Station’


Interflora, the world’s largest flower delivery network, wanted to introduce a UK retail sector first — a new ‘Skill’ allowing customers to place orders using only their voice, with a little help from Amazon Alexa Interflora needed a Consumer PR Stunt that made real impact to make this happen. 

That’s because our client needed to launch in the run up to its busy Christmas period, with go-live falling on 12th December. The same day the country went to the polls in the most hotly contested British General Election for decades. 

we were asked for

Social engagement of 10,000 

2 pieces of national media coverage 

A boost to downloads of the Skill



Instagram Stories views and 3,797 grid post engagement


total reach 


of video content 

Best social engagement

Interflora’s best social engagement in Q4 

18 pieces of overage

Our consumer PR Stunt gained 18 pieces of media coverage across national news, lifestyle and tech pages — including The Times and London Evening Standard 


backlinks to the website


of coverage containing Pollen Station photography, all hits featured key messaging 


Total reach

Skill downloads up 25%

on predicted volume 

Complete repositioning

Our Pollen Station was at the centre of Interflora’s positive internal comms centred on brand reappraisal, with Smoking Gun now leading on a complete repositioning 

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