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Simply unmissable 3

Another four weeks, another load of internet treasure well worth shouting about. From ethical videos boasting nearly 100,000,000 hits to US politicians rapping, the best selection of coffee break content is right here for you to enjoy, so without further ado we present the finest of our finds.
Statistic of the month
72% of marketers handle social media for themselves, the rest outsource.

Cult clips
This video, designed to raise awareness of child soldiers, has attracted over 85,400,000 YouTube hits. Whether this is partly because of the director subsequently being found naked in the street, mid-potential nervous breakdown, is unclear.

The iPad 3 has arrived, with the usual launch day queues stretching the world over. Refreshingly Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder, also chose to get in line, much to the delight of many an internet viewer. Now there’s a man of the people.

US Presidential candidate Mit Romney of the Republican party decided to explain exactly who he was with this spoof of Eminem’s breakthrough single, making scores stand up, take note, and concede that America’s politically conservative populous actually has a little rhythm.

Infographic of the month
Not so long ago we posted this handy visual aid, which looks to show how Facebook and Twitter, amongst other sites, are as addictive as alcohol and cigarettes. Hats off to Biz Media for putting it together then, as it still has us talking.

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